Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How can I fix the brakes on my car.?

I cannot get the brakes to work on my daily driven car.

1988 Toyota Camry no abs rear drums

Symptom: brake pedal goes to the floor, no pressure in front left wheel and rear right wheel. This all happened after I REBUILT my 2 front calipers and tried to bleed the system.

- I changed the master cylinder (twice because the first I thought was a defective rebuild) I adjusted the push rod on the booster. I adjusted the brake pedal. Didn't work

FWD cars are split systems, front right wheel works with rear left wheel, front left wheel works with rear right wheel. diagonally.

- So, I changed my proportioning valve, and the little splitter block next to the master. didnt work

- Then I thought maybe the caliper rebuild kits were poor quality so I bought 2 new calipers. didn't work

- I replaced a wheel cylinder I found had a seized piston. didn't work

I've tried bleeding the car starting with the furthest wheel from the master to the closest, I tried cross bleeding it (because its a split system). I've put almost 2 liters of brake fluid through the system in attempts to get it to work. Ive tried just about everything...nothing works

Whats the next step, what am I missing.

Garage is not an option I've changed every piece that could have been faulty.

thank youHow can I fix the brakes on my car.?Are you getting a good brake effort from OSF and NSR brakes? Have you visually checked / watched the fluid come out from both outlets on the master cylinder? Definatly sounds like a master cylinder problem to me.

Does fluid squirt nicely out of the nipples on the brakes that are not working or are you getting very little fluid through?How can I fix the brakes on my car.?I assume that after you reattached all the brake components and bled the brakes that you pumped the brake pedal until the pedal became hard?

This needs to be done to take up the slack between brake pads/shoes and discs/drums and between the pistons/calipers and the brake pads.How can I fix the brakes on my car.?Did you check the brake lines?How can I fix the brakes on my car.?a way to check this out is to make sure all llines are closed, next have someone inside the car to do the pedal pushing. first is open the line at the master by unscrewing the threaded nut, with the line open have the person inside push down and hold the brake pedal till you can close the line, after closing the line then the pedal can be released.

repeat this about 8 to 10 times, by the end you should have fluid coming out of the line at the master. do this to both lines.

You are not pumping at any time

pumping will just agitate the air in the system.

If by the 10th time you are not getting a solid stream of fluid from the master cylinder line then there is a problem with the master.

Next move down the line to the block and repeat the same steps,

see if you can get fluid out of the other side of the block if you do then repeat this step to each of the wheels.

After you get solid fluid to each of the wheel then and only then can you proceed to perform the pumping type of bleeding.

any other questions please email me
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